Hindi, asked by sumitsingh94, 1 year ago

how can we say that were divided between men and women of early societies explain​


Answered by HeroicGRANDmaster


Actually, work was not divided equally in the early societies because all the work of any kinds were given to the women only. Men never did the work because they thought the women were only meant to do the work. Neither the women were given equal rights nor the men were given equal work. But as time changed the women were also given equal rights and the men were given equal work. These all happened due to some great people and some great activites or campaigns!!!

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Answered by Radhika2841

{\fbox{\boxed {\huge{\rm{\blue{Answer}}}}}}


  • Our prehistoric forebears are often portrayed as spear-wielding savages, but the earliest human societies are likely to have been founded on enlightened egalitarian principles, according to scientists
  • Our prehistoric forebears are often portrayed as spear-wielding savages, but the earliest human societies are likely to have been founded on enlightened egalitarian principles, according to scientistsA study has shown that in contemporary hunter-gatherer tribes, men and women tend to have equal influence on where their group lives and who they live with. The findings challenge the idea that sexual equality is a recent invention, suggesting that it has been the norm for humans for most of our evolutionary history
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