English, asked by nusrathbegum, 3 months ago

how can we understand indian culture in better ways


Answered by arush6689



What was the humor of the spilt blood in the canterville ghost story?

This study examines in detail the alternance of humour and horror in the story The Canterville Ghost by Oscar Wilde, and the manner in which the author was always able to obtain the desired result, changing his approach to the theme. It studies the story contribution to the parody of the horror genre, mentioning the cliches which are commonly used in this type of fiction and of which Wilde makes continuous mockery. It also reviews his satire of the American society, which is in constant conflict with the values of the traditional English society. Finally, the article includes a detailed account of the humouristic resources used by the writer to entertain his readers.El presente estudio analiza en detalle la alternancia de humor y horror en el relato de Oscar Wilde The Canterville Ghost, así como la manera en la que el autor conseguía siempre el efecto deseado, cambiando su forma de tratar el tema. Estudia su contribución a la parodia del género terrorífico, con mención de los elementos tópicos que se suelen emplear en este tipo de narraciones y de los que Wilde hace una burla recurrente. También revisa su sátira de la sociedad norteamericana, en conflicto constante con los valores de la tradicional sociedad inglesa. Por último, el artículo incluye una relación detallada de los recursos cómicos empleados por el escritor para conseguir entretener a sus lectores.

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