How can you define pH !?
Thus, pH may be defined as a measure of free acidity. More precisely, pH is defined as the negative log of the hydrogen ion concentration. The range of pH extends from zero to 14. A pHvalue of 7 is neutral, because pure water has apH value of exactly 7.
How can you define pH ?
• pH may be defined as a measure of free acidity. More precisely, pH isdefined as the negative log of the hydrogen ion concentration. The range of pH extends from zero to 14. A pHvalue of 7 is neutral, because pure water has a pH value of exactly 7.
• In chemistry, pH (/piːˈeɪtʃ/, denoting 'potential of hydrogen' or 'power of hydrogen') is a scale used to specify the acidity or basicity of an aqueous solution. At 25 °C, solutions with apH less than 7 are acidic, and solutions with apH greater than 7 are basic.