How can you differentiate between fission and fragmentation, even though both are asexual
mode of reproduction?
fission: Asexual reproduction in which a parent separates into two or more individuals of about equal size. fragmentation: Asexual reproduction in which the body breaks into several fragments, which later develop into complete organisms.
Hope this will help
How can you differentiate between fission and fragmentation, even though both are asexual mode of reproduction?
fission: Asexual reproduction in which a parent separates into two or more individuals of about equal size. fragmentation: Asexual reproduction in which the body breaks into several fragments, which later develop into complete organisms.Feb differentiate between fission and fragmentation, even though both are asexual mode of reproduction?8:42
Asexual and sexual reproduction (video)
Khan Academy · Khan Academy
Video result for How can you differentiate between fission and fragmentation, even though both are asexual mode of reproduction?
Asexual Reproduction-Fission-Budding ...
YouTube · MooMooMath and Science
Nov 22, 2019
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