How can you find the focal length of the lens using the light and a blank wall?
Performance Task
In this performance task, you will investigate the lens-like properties of a clear bottle.
a water bottle or glass with a round cross-section and smooth, vertical sides
enough water to fill the bottle
a meter stick or tape measure
a bright light source with a small bulb, such as a pen light
a small bright object, such as a silver spoon.
Look through a clear glass or plastic bottle and describe what you see.
Next, fill the bottle with water and describe what you see.
Use the water bottle as a lens to produce the image of a bright object.
Estimate the focal length of the water bottle lens.
How can you find the focal length of the lens using the light and a blank wall?
How can you find the focal length of the lens using the bright object?
Why did the water change the lens properties of the bottle?