How can you listen to a speakers opinions through electronic media without being easily swayed into accepting their opinions?
Because I never assume the first, middle, or last, thing I hear from any speaker or writer is an objective recitation of fact. Writers and speakers are human and fallible in their worldviews—we all carry biases and prejudices and points of view crafted by our life experiences. One person telling me some version of an event, or expressing some opinion of someone’s actions, or offering advice based on his or her experiences, reading, environment, upbringing is revealing their unique outlook on life. They may well believe what they are saying or writing, they may even have solid facts to back up their comments; but they are, in the end, just one voice, one point of view, one word among millions.
I’ve been in the company of presidents, CEOs, high-ranking military leaders, and other well-educated, well-rounded, sensible, sane, well-intentioned and well-respected men and women who flatly stated an opinion they hoped I’d buy into, and it just didn’t work with me. I will take their words with grains of salt, go off and do my own homework, review the facts, consider the circumstances, give allowances for the speaker’s or writer’s influences and biases before I give their words any credence. Being swayed by someone’s opinion is a sure road to personal error, and it’s not for me.