how can you save or open a file in tuxpaint
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You can copy image files (only in png format) to the Tux Paint folder for saved files - under the sub folder /. tuxpaint/saved in your home folder. You can open these using Tux Paint and edit it within Tux Paint.
ICT Competency: Tux Paint is a free and open source application for supporting basic ...
Development and community help: 1. Tux paint help document 2. Tux paint tutorials 3. ...
Educational application and relevance: Tux Paint is useful for creating pictures, simple ...
Configuration: No specific configuration requirements
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By default, they are stored in the the "tuxpaint" folder within the user's "Application Support" folder, e.g., " /Users/Username/Library/Applicaton Support/TuxPaint/saved/ ". (Prior to Tux Paint 0.9. 15, they may be under "Preferences" instead of "Application Support".) By default, they are stored in the ".
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