How can you say that region is under municipal or panchyat
# Panchayat and Municipality are the generic terms for the governing body at the local level. Both exist as three tier systems – at the lower, intermediate and upper levels.
#The 73rd Constitutional Amendment act provides for a Gram Sabha as the foundation of the Panchayati Raj system. It is essentially a village assembly consisting of all the registered voters in the area of the panchayat.
#The state has the power to determine what kind of powers it can exercise, and what functions it has to perform at the village level.
#The 74th Constitutional Amendment act provides for three types of Municipalities:
• Nagar Panchayat for a transitional area between a rural and urban area.
• Municipal Council for a small urban area.
• Municipal Corporation for a large urban area.
• Municipalities represent urban local self-government.
• Most of the provisions of the two acts are parallel, differing only in the fact that they are being applied to either a Panchayat or a Municipality respectively.
• Each Gram sabha is the meeting of a particular constituency called ward.
• Each ward has a representative chosen from among the people themselves by direct election.
• The chairperson of the Panchayat or Municipality at the intermediate and district level are elected from among these representatives at the immediately lower level by indirect election.