How can you use your knowledge and understanding in culture, society, and politics in responding to different social issues?
Culture is where it all starts. Humans have evolved from cults throughout the ages to form societies that then flourished from advances to less archaic cultural traditions thanks to the branch of political science (the king of all sciences), without which citizens would not have been free to pursue any artistic or scientific pursuits. “Social issues” are thus, no more than just trivial problems society chooses to ignore because they are too deeply rooted in culture to immediately change, which Western media (and thus, society), often tends to confuse with “race”. Race is a nonsensical word that stereotypes socially acceptable ways for cultural outsiders to refer to insiders' skin pigmentation. It will NEVER serve as a strong replacement to the cultural foundations it stems from. Therefore, ANY meritocracy that realigns itself from cultural critiques to racial ones will inevitably lead to a sociological structural collapse.