How can you verify that the resistance of a conductor is temperature dependent?
a. A bulb was taken and its resistance was measured using a multimeter in open circuit.
b. The bulb is connected to a circuit and switch is put on.
c. The bulb glows and after few minutes it gets heated up.
d. Again the resistance of the bulb is measured using a multimeter.
e. Value of resistance is found to be more in the second case than in the first case.
f. As the temperature of the filament in bulb increases the resistance of bulb also increases.
Thus we can say resistance of a conductor is temperature dependent
Thank you
1) Measure the resistance of the bulb when it is in open circuit, using a multimeter.
2) Note the reading in your notebook.
3) Connect a circuit as shown in the figure.
4) Switch on the circuit. After a few minutes, switch off the circuit and measure the resistance of the bulb using multimeter.
5) Note this reading in your notebook.
6) The value of resistance in second instance is more than the resistance of the bulb in the open circuit.
7) When bulb is connected in a circuit and current is passed through it, the bulb gets heated. This is responsible for increase in the resistance of the bulb.
8) Hence the value of resistance of a conductor depends on temperature for constant potential difference between the ends of the conductor.