How coronavirus is different from flu difference in the terms of symptoms , diagnosis and prevention ?
Flu kills about 0.1% of those it infects, but that's still hundreds of thousands of people each year because it infects millions.
Researchers are still trying to understand just how deadly the new coronavirus is. The mortality rate from infection with the virus isn't known yet because the cases caught in an early part of an outbreak are often the most severe, people with mild or no symptoms aren't being tested, and sometimes overwhelmed hospitals struggle to care for the sickest patients. Various reports have estimated the fatality rate from less than 1% to as high as 4% among cases diagnosed so far, depending on location.
Most people infected by the new coronavirus develop mild or moderate symptoms and recover after about two weeks
Because it didn't not have its own body they take support of our body. This virus has came from bats. It is also known as sars covid