how costal plains of india provides economy to india
They help in the transportation of exports.or imports to be easy via that goods can be transported in and out..of the country and hence improving the economy
The coastal environment plays a vital role in India’s economy by virtue of the resources, productive habitats, and rich biodiversity. India’s coastline stretches about 7500 km and supports almost 30% of its human population.
Coastal fisheries are immensely important, both economically and in terms of environmental health. In India they provide essential livelihoods and shape the local cultures of a large share of the population. For the impoverished, they supply a significant quantity of basic free food. India continues to be the 7th largest fishing nation in the world.
Coastal vegetation habitats, such as mangrove forests, serve as buffers to protect the shore line from wind generated storms and support coastal ecology. It is an important part of a local ecosystem as it strongly modulates land-ocean interactions and the mixture of fresh water and salt water in estuaries provides many nutrients for marine life. Salt marshes and beaches also support a diversity of plants, animals, and insects crucial to the food chain.
The coastal beaches prevent salt water intrusion into the ground water which is used for drinking water and agriculture and therefore fundamental for our water and food security.
The coast is a crucial frontier and must be defended against invaders, smugglers, and illegal migrants.
Coastal beaches if properly maintained not only offer a rich and important natural environment but also promote sustainable economic development such as ports and tourism which generates significant source of foreign exchange.