how could palawan cordillera mindoro visayas share those similarities considering their distance from each other?
Characteristics of Music of Cordillera
Their music is communal and participatory ..
Songs are usually in unison of pentatonic melodies..
Music and other components of their culture are transferred from generation to generation through oral tradition.
Music of Mindoro
A rhythmic poetic expression with a meter of seven syllable lines and having rhythmic end-syllables.
It is most often presented as a chant without a determined musical pitch or accompaniment by musical instruments.
Folk Music of Palawan. Vocal Music : Bagit, Kulial, (song), Tultul (epic chant), Ulit (shamanic chant) Instrumental music : Aruding ( Jew's harp), babarak (ring flute) suling (banded Flute), basal (gong), kusyapiq (lute) , pagang (bamboo zither)u.
Most Visayan songs are written in duple or triple meter, with a simple melody that is easy to sing. Duple (double) meter is a rhythm based on two big beats per measure, while Triple meter is based on three big beats per measure...
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