How could the fall off troy been avoided?
by not being at troy
The Trojan War. One of the most mysterious and fascinating battles in all history and mythology, whether or not it was real is heavily debated, but what can be agreed on is that the reason for the conflict was Helen of Troy. For some this would be enough to put all of the blame on the runaway Spartan queen, but there are many other people involved in this tale who could also be blamed, including some of the oldest gods. I believe it comes down to either Priam and Hecabe, Themis, Gaia and Zeus, Eris, Paris or Helen, so in this blog I want to explore: who really was to blame for the destruction of Ilium?
According to the stories about the war, it was predicted long before it actually happened by the Priestess of Apollo, Cassandra. She told her parents, Priam and Hecabe, the king and queen of Troy that their newborn son, Paris; would bring about the downfall of Troy and that the only way to prevent this was to kill him. Unfortunately for Cassandra, Apollo had made it so everyone would ignore her prophecies as she had refused to lie with him, and so Hecabe and Priam ignored the advice that they kill Paris and instead sent him away to live with a shepherd. This was the first mistake and so the monarchs of Troy could be blamed for the downfall of their own kingdom, however they did not set out to cause a war and nothing they did after that had any influence on the overall outcome.
Not only was a war prophecised by Cassandra, it was also, according to Hesiod, planned by the gods. In fact one of the eldest gods, a Primordial Deity named Gaia had the strongest desire for a war. Gaia felt the weight of every human and animal on her body as she was the embodiment of the earth. The population had grown too great and it was beginning to hurt her and so she went to see her daughter, Themis who was the Titaness of justice and the law. Gaia told Themis of the pain she was feeling and Themis said she would go and see her ex husband whom she was adviser to, Zeus, and see what he could do for Mother Earth. The Titaness went to see Zeus who was helping plan a wedding for the water Nymph, Thetis, and the mortal king, Peleus; Themis told Zeus what Gaia was feeling and together they began to plan what they could do for her. They decided that a war would be the easiest way to lighten the population as it had worked with previous battles with the Titans and the Giants in both the Titanomachy and Gigantomachy, and they decided that the best way to do this was to use Zeus’ own daughter, Helen, the most beautiful woman to ever exist. They knew that they could get Aphrodite involved using her vanity, they knew they could get Hera involved using her pride and they knew they could get Athene involved using her competitiveness. Themis went to the garden of the Hesperides and took a golden apple from one of the trees, she carved the words “Te Kalliste” onto it meaning “For the Fairest” and then she gave it to Zeus.