How couses led to the subsistence cricis in franch during the old reguised?
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Subsistence crisis is a situation in which people are not even able to satisfy their basic necessities.From 1715 to 1789, the population of France increased from about 23 million to 28 million. This led to a raise in demand for thefoodgrains. However, the production was not enough for the demand. This resulted in a rapid increase in price of the bread, the staple diet of majority.
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population of france rose from 23million to 28 million which led a demand of food grains but production of grains could not keep pace with the growing population as a result price of bread which was a staple diet of food rose rap8dly.workers were employed in factories but there wages was not keeping pace with increasing prices.conditions became worse when hail reduced the production which led to subsistemce crisis
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9 months ago