How determined the viscosity of ethanol with the help of Ostwald viscometer
Answer: The viscosity of ethanol can be determined with the help of viscometer.
Viscosity of ethanol can be determined with the help of Ostwald Viscometer. Water is sucked to level A and then duration of time taken by water to reach level B under the influence of gravity is recorded. The same procedure is followed with ethanol.The following formula is used for the calculations:
From the above equation, taking sample 1 to be known that is water, we can determine the viscosity of sample 2 that is ethanol.
=Time taken by the water to flow down from level A to level B. (Experimentally determined)
= Time taken by the ethanol to flow down from level A to level B. (Experimentally determined)
From the above known values, we can determine the value of viscosity of ethanol using equation 1.