Ambedkar noticed that the Va.."Tla or caste system in the Hindu society is fully based on human inequality. To him, the Vedas, Smritis and Shastras etc. are the causes for the caste system in the Hindu society. ... He wanted to establish a democratic social system based on liberty, equality and fraternity.
There are numerous castes in India. Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar worked for annihilation of caste system through the political solutions. Untouchability was the notorious practice prevalent in India at then time. People from lower castes had to live outside the towns, they did not had right to enter temples, use public wells among others. Dr. Ambedkar through his magnanimous work tried to provide basic human rights to the Dalits and he got succeeded at large extent in his work.
Ambedkar had been invited to testify before the Southborough Committee, which was preparing Government of India act 1919. At this hearing, Ambedkar argued for creating separate electorates and reservations for untouchables and other religious communities. When communal award of Ramsay McDonald in 1932 offering separate electorates for “Depressed Classes” was presented, Ambedkar had supported it. But due to fierce opposition of Mahatma Gandhiji, he had to compromise on reserved seats in provincial legislatures for depressed classes. Due to the pact depressed classes received 148 seats in the legislature, instead of 71 as allocated in the communal award.
He was the chairman of the constitution’s drafting committee. At this position, he had argued for safeguards for Dalits in the constitution. Consequently, article 14 (equality)[, article 15 (non-discrimination), article 17 (no untouchability) were included in the constitution of India. He has supported the uniform civil code which was included in the Directive Principles of State Policy.
Ambedkar through political work and his social work dealt with the caste system of India very efficiently.
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