How did colonialism systematically destroy indian craft and industries?????
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The company's monolisation of trade was getting stronger.Although, agriculture was main occupation,there was no dearth of handicrafts,calico,muslin ,wool and silk products.Metal works of iron , steel , copper, brass , gold and silver were in great demand.
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To safeguard the British Cotton Industry, Indian silk and cotton Textile were described with imposition of very heavy duty on Indian goods, promotion of British machine-made articles at cheaper rates, and decrease in the princely patronage. Changes in the British trade policy Forced Indian craftsmen and to give up their traditional Livelihood. No doubt, the industrial revolution (1962 1830) in Britain and other European countries was also responsible for de-industrialisation of India. All these factors started the process of ruining the traditional Handicrafts and the decline in National income of india
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