How did dirac expained the antiparticles?
Paul Dirac developed a theory that combined quantum mechanics, used to describe the subatomic world, with Einstein’s special relativity, which says nothing travels faster than light. Through complex mathematical calculations, Dirac managed to integrate these disparate theories. When Dirac himself was once asked what he thought of his equation, he replied: “I found it beautiful”.
The equation explains how things both very small and very fast – in this case, electrons near the speed of light – behave. This was a remarkable achievement in its own right, but the implications didn’t stop there.
His equation not only works for an electron with negative charge. It also works for a particle that behaves like an electron with positive charge. At first, Dirac did not appreciate the significance of this finding, and even ignored it out of what he would call “pure cowardice”.
Eventually he realised that his equation predicted something entirely new to science – antiparticles.
He went on to assert that every particle has a mirror-image antiparticle with nearly identical properties, except for an opposite electric charge. And just as protons, neutrons and electrons combine to form atoms and matter, antiprotons, antineutrons and anti-electrons (called positrons) combine to form anti-atoms and antimatter.
His findings led him to speculate that there may even be a mirror universe of antimatter.
The strange world of Paul Dirac
Dirac was a peculiar man. Stories of his eccentricities abound.
When Dirac first visited Niels Bohr’s institute in Copenhagen, his utterances consisted almost entirely of three phrases: “Yes”, “No” and “I don’t mind”.
Later, he became more flexible. When astrophysicist Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar expounded his views, Dirac repeatedly interjected with “Yes” but explained, “When I say ‘yes’, it does not mean that I agree; it means only that you should go on.”
In 1929, Dirac sailed from America to Japan with Werner Heisenberg. During the trip, Heisenberg spent the evenings dancing while Dirac looked on, puzzled. Eventually Dirac asked his friend why he danced.
Heisenberg replied: “Well, when there are nice girls it is a pleasure to dance.”
After thinking for five minutes, Dirac said: “But how do you know beforehand that the girls are nice?”