how did gandhian concept of 'swadesi' help us to overcome the evil of globalization???
Dependency is a form of unequal international relationship between two set of countries. Oneset of countries is called of center and other set of the countries is called satellite (Ghosh,2012). In the changing dynamics of globalization, economic integration plays a crucial role todetermine a trade relation between two nation but the concept of dependency moves aroundinner circle of domestic and as well as globalized economy. Dependency may vary typessectoral dependency, technological dependency and caste based dependency. In other wordsdependency is a set of inter relations interaction and mutual exchange between nations. In a broader international perspective, dependency is inherent part of globalization and itarises through economic and political integration. In the neo liberal set of economic theory,the concept of dependency became popular in mid sixties and seventies but after post reformperiod many counties witnessed higher degree pace of gloablisation with greater degree ofdependency. Many social scientist of contemporary era have written thought provoking articles and essaysto explore the impact of dependency and exchange on distributive aspects of world. In thecontext of Gandhi and his view on dependency and its interrelation with globalization hasbeen studied by many scholars (Ghosh, Iyengar, Parel). Gandhi in his remarkable work “HindSwaraj”, rejected many western concepts and theories including exchange between nationsbased on exploitative terms and condition. Gandhi was well aware about drain theory and hewas not in favour of unequal exchange. To him, in the period of colonial rule, dependencywas the main source behind the exploitation labour intensive economy by capital intensiveeconomy. He understood the concept of dependency in relation to aspect of dignity of labour.While the world is witnessing fall of globalization and advocators of globalization arelooking towards new concept of de-globalization, there is need to relook the uses and abusesof dependency and integration theory with in interdisciplinary perspective. This paper tries toexplain and understand the many theological aspects of dependency and globalization underthe parameters of Gandhian political economy. This study is based on Gandhi’s essentialwritings on issues of international trade and global political order. This study also focuses onan alternative search for non violent global orde
‘Make in India’ is not fit under Gandhian socialism. Current government must look towardsnew alternative to overcome the challenges and exploitation faced by domestic industry dueto unequal exchange in trade dynamics in globalized world. Gandhian hypothesis is veryabsolute and crisp here. Violation of the principles of Gandhian political economy andadaptation of false concept can put economy in more danger. There is a need of conflict freesociety and it is possible when non violence , self reliance and ‘Satygarah’ will be theimportant elements of domestic production policy. Protectionism which lacks in Gandhianpolitical economic principles is an example of violent form of dependency. If self sufficiencyis targeting only nationalism as an economic agenda, this will create a violent social order.For a true devotee of ‘Swadeshi’, there will be no place for dependency as well as ,centralized self sufficiency. Swadeshi means decentralized self sufficiency. When the globallevel lot of the socio economic issues are emerging due to centralized way of thinking as wellas exchange , thinkers must study the thought of ‘Swadeshi’ to enforce and secure theeconomic, social rights of the people.