English, asked by Avni4654, 2 months ago

how did gandhiji help champaran people in their upliftment
of social status


Answered by jappisingh2004


Gandhiji saw the social and cultural backwardness of Champaran, he wanted to do something about it immediately. First of all, he appealed to teachers. Mahadev Desai and Narhari Parekh with their wives volunteered for the work. Several more persons came forward from all over the country to give their services. His son Devdas and wife, Kasturba, also came there. Primary schools were opened in six villages. Kasturba taught the rules on personal cleanliness and community sanitation. In Champaran, health conditions were also miserable. Gandhiji got a doctor to volunteer his services for six months. Gandhiji also noticed the filthy state of women’s clothes. He asked Kasturba to talk to them about it.

Answered by adithyakrishnan6137


Champaran was culturally and socially backward. Gandhiji wanted to do something to uplift them. He engaged volunteers for improving conditions of health, hygiene, sanitation and education. He hired teachers and set up primary schools in six villages. He hired a doctor for six months and the villagers were provided the sulphur ointment, quinine and castor oil to the ailing. He made Kasturbai to teach people regarding sanitation and hygiene. He wanted to make the people of Champaran self- reliant.

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