how did Harshavardhan expend his empire??
In 606 CE, Harshvardhan became the ruler of Thaneshwar and reigned till 647 CE. He conquered almost whole or North India and expanded his empire. He firstly carried out campaigns against Gaure of Bengal, when Shashanka was its ruler. He defeated Vallabhi ruler Dhruvasena II Baladitya between 630 CE and 633 CE, which was a pre – stage of his war with the Chalukyas. Later he forged marital relations with Vallabhi. During his reign of 41 years, Harsha annexed the distant land i.e., Jalandhar, Kashmir, Nepal, Vallabhi, Malwa, Sindh. Frontier regions and Assam- United provinces of Bihar, Bengal, Orissa, Central India and Rajputana were also under his rule.
With a great army, Harshavardhana extended his kingdom from Punjab to northern Orissa and from Himalayas to the bank of Narmada. He also tried to extend his kingdom beyond Narmada but failed to do so. He faced a defeat at the hands of Pulakesin II, Chalukya king of Badami.