How did human achievements impact the world?
Human achievements impact the world:-
There are moments when we all feel down or start to question humanity as a whole. This is understandable due to the overly negative spin that the media puts on everything. However, humans have actually accomplished countless amazing things that make life better for everyone on a daily basis. If you find yourself doubting your individual ability to make a difference in the world, be sure to reflect on some of the many achievements that started as nothing more than an idea.
1. One Man Planted an Entire Forest
If you need some personal inspiration, look no further than Jadav Payeng. This dedicated man has spent the majority of his life giving back to the world by planting a forest. At this point, the thickly wooded forest is an astounding 1,360 acres. Every bamboo tree on this land was lovingly planted by Jadev after he witnessed the local wildlife population suffering due to a lack of shade. Thanks to Jadev, the environment in his area is cleaner and the animals have a safer and more comfortable place to live. If one man can accomplish this on his own, just imagine what you could do!
2. Medicine Saves Billions of Lives
Scientists such as Edward Jenner, Alexander Fleming, and Jonas Salk have been the creative minds behind some of the most important medical achievements in history. For example, Edward Jenner developed the smallpox vaccine, which successfully eradicated an illness that had claimed approximately 500 million lives in the 20th century alone. Without the tireless work and drive to help others that each of these scientists has exhibited, billions of lives would have been lost during the past couple of centuries.
3. Walking on the Moon
Humans have always been intrigued by the stars, but it took a combination of determination, science and skillful engineering to finally allow a few people to actually leave the planet. One of the biggest moments in space exploration history happened when Neil Armstrong walked on the moon. As a result, July 20, 1969, became the start of an even more advanced space program that may soon see the colonization of Mars.
4. Development of the Printing Press
For a long time, knowledge could once only be passed on verbally and through drawings on the surfaces of caves and walls. Eventually, a small form of printing was developed in China, but it didn’t allow for any mass production. Johannes Gutenberg changed the way we store and share knowledge and literature when he created the printing press in the 15th century. This monumental achievement helped form modern education, along with leading to the creation of bookstores and libraries.
5. Bringing the Internet to Life
The Internet allows people to connect with each other from around the world. It gives us lightning fast, real-time news, and it makes it possible for humans to do a long list of things from home such as working, consulting with a physician and attending classes.