How did Maddie's attitude towards Teasing undergo a change in the story?
Chapter:- The Hundred Dresses
STD:- 10th cbse
Word limit 70words for 5 marks..
Maddie was a poor girl and was the best friend of Peggy. Peggy used to tease Wanda in the school grounds everyday.Even though Maddie did not like it she just stood by.She was not ready to say anything to Peggy because of the fear of being teased next.But when Wanda finally left school because of all the teasing she endured Maddie's mind changed.She wanted to do something for Wanda.So she decided that she will never stand by and endure any criticism, she would react.This is how Maddie 's attitude towards teasing undergo a change.
Wanda Petronski was a polish girl who was very simple. She used to keep herself calm and silent in every condition and never reacted when Peggy teased her and took it lightly. She always replied everyone with a smile. She even gifted her drawings to Peggy and Maddie which showed her innocent and loving behaviour
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