How did Nelson Mandela overcome racism and rise to become an extraordinary leader as described in Long Walk to freedom?
The country Nelson Mandela leaves behind remains racially divided with deep economic problems. But South Africa has also emerged as a robust democracy.
Nelson Mandela was the father of the current democratic South Africa that replaced the odious apartheid state.
His primary legacy is a multiracial South Africa under the rule of law. Mandela’s governance was characterized by racial reconciliation, especially with white Afrikaners, which he shrewdly promoted through the use of symbols.
He insisted on the rule of law. Apartheid may have been a crime against humanity, but there was no extra-legal "revolutionary justice." Instead there was a Truth and Reconciliation Commission .
As for the rule of law, there is a new questioning of the independent judiciary and property rights guarantees amid concerns that they obstruct greater economic equality. The administration of Jacob Zuma is promoting a state secrets bill that that could reduce government transparency and stifle criticism of the government. Some leaders of civil society now question Mandela’s unswerving support for the ANC since the ruling party is more and more associated with patronage politics and personal enrichment.
For most South Africans racial identities remain paramount. At the same time, there are signs that popular attitudes are evolving toward Mandela’s non-racial, democratic values that may provide a bulwark for the future of the rule of law to which Mandela (himself a lawyer) was devoted.
hope it will help you
the value of freedom is better known to that human being who has not enjoyed it till he gets it. A person who is bounded within limits and not allowed to perform his duties freely ,values freedom more than anyone else .For instance the value of freedom is not better to Mandela who remained behind bars for most of his life.
hink about a bird or animal which is caged, as it has the habit of living with full freedom, but in the cage, it is not free and its condition is very pitiable .
Similarly life becomes hell if we are deprived of freedom. there is no growth of civilization as it grows only when one has freedom .
similarly humanism grows in the atmosphere of freedom if a man is free to do his duties he can produce better results. an oppresed person always commits mistakes and is unable to perform well ,so freedom is important for the growth of civilization..