How did reproduction in humans ?
Human reproduction naturally takes place as internal fertilization by sexual intercourse. ... This process is also known as "coitus", "mating", "having sex", or, euphemistically, "making love". The sperm and the ovum are known as gametes (each containing half the genetic information of the parent, created through meiosis).
Here is ur answer-
Reproduction is a fundamental biological process of producing young ones or offspring, which are identical to their parents.
In human beings, both males and females have different reproductive systems; hence, they are known to exhibit sexual dimorphism. Males have testes- also called testicles, while the females have a pair of ovaries.
The process of fusion of sperm with egg (ovum) to produce zygote is called fertilization. Fertilization is a crucial stage of reproduction in human beings. The fertilized egg is called the zygote. Zygote starts to divide into many cells and develops into an embryo.
Embryo moves into the uterus and gets attached to its walls. This process is referred to as implantation, and the implanted embryo eventually develops into a fetus.
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