Social Sciences, asked by geetsachar28, 1 month ago

how did sedition act of 1870 started

Please answer asap​


Answered by mayank8863923323


Chapter VI comprises sections from 121 to 130, wherein section 121A and 124A were introduced in 1870. The then British government in India feared that Muslim preachers on the Indian subcontinent would wage a war against the government.

Answered by Anonymous

Secti on 124A of the Ind ian Pe nal Cod e lays down th e pun ishm ent f or sedi tion. Chapter VI com prise s sec tion s from 121 to 130, wherein secti on 121A and 124A we re intro duced in 1870. The th en Britis h g ove rnme nt in India feared that Mus lim pre ach ers on the Indian subcontinent woul d wag e a war against the governm ent.

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