English, asked by sabaatamseel, 8 months ago

How did Sher Singh bhadur get scars on his body


Answered by rajaroy7857047


knew that he would not be able to go any further without taking rest.


(i) Sher Singh and Kunwar were on the cliff, when they heard the jostle and squeal of elephants. Sher Singh was tired and his 11 back and forehead were hurting, so he gently put down Kunwar to take rest, when they heard squeal of the elephants.

(ii) An old elephant was the leader of elephants. He was more aggressive at that time because of the period of heightened aggressiveness that happens annually in male elephants.

(iii) Sher Singh chilled with fright because the old elephant, moving his tusk to and fro came round towards him. He could not escape in the situation because he could neither climb nor run, carrying his brother on his back.

(iv) Sher Singh earnestly prayed to God to avert the danger. It tells us that Sher Singh was a brave boy who had firm belief in God. It seems that God heard Sher Singh’s prayers and consequently, the elephant hurriedly went away.

(v) Immediately after being saved from the elephants, Sher Singh got up and decided to continue his journey. This was because he heard an elephant trumpet at a distance and could not take the risk of being attacked by elephants again.


(i) Sher Singh had anticipated the river would be shallow and the water would not be very cold as the snow-water would not have entered the river by that time. However, when Sher Singh entered the river, he found the water colder than he had anticipated. Besides, it was almost waist-deep, deeper than what he had thought. Further, there was the danger of his falling into the river because of slime on the stone.

(ii) The bridge at the second river was a kutcha, impermanent one. It was made of rings of bamboo poles driven into the river bed and tied round and were filled with stones to make the piers of the bridge. The surface of the bridge was also made of bamboos laid down horizontally and across and laced thick grass and river gravel.

(iii) When Sher Singh reached the second river, his hopes were shattered to see the river in flood, as he had not expected floods at that time of the year. The river was in flood because of the melting of a big head of snow. The bridge over the river had submerged because of the sudden floods in the river.

(iv) The breaking of the bridge made matters worse for the boy because now the boy had to swim across the flooded river, with his younger brother on his back.

(v) The boy crossed the second river by moving along the wreck of the broken bridge and holding on to anything he could hold along the way. He made sure that his brother was not harmed by making a rope of grass and tying it round his brother and himself and by keeping his brother’s head above water.

(vi) As Sher Singh and his brother entered the second river, the river seized them and flattened them against the wreck of the broken bridge. With great difficulty, Sher Singh managed to move holding on to the things he could get hold of. But the flood water deafened him and the timber banged and bruised him. The water was too cold for him to keep his hold. So he was deaf, blinded, frozen and drowned. But he continued moving ahead and finally crossed the second river.


(i) After crossing the river, Sher Singh took a lift, first in a bullock cart and then in a truck to reach the hospital.

(ii) People were surprised to hear his story when they came to know that he has brought his sick brother to the hospital all alone by crossing the flooded river.

(iii) At the rail yards, Sher Singh got the work of loading coal. He earned a few pence. With the money, he bought coarse atta (flour), some mustard oil and chillies to cook a meal for himself.

(iv) Sher Singh put up in the hospital compound, where the relatives of other patients in the hospital were camping. Sher Singh was overtaken by the feelings of anxiety about the condition of his ailing, younger brother and expected the worst.

(v) The doctor addressed Sher Singh as Sher Singh Bahadur. He did so to applaud his deed of bravery of carrying his ailing brother, all along to the hospital. Sher Singh replied that his father Sher Singh Bahadur was not present there and that his name was Sher Singh.

(vi) The doctor informed Sher Singh that his brother was out of danger and that he would live

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