English, asked by chintusiva3, 3 months ago

How did sri moharana feel when he came to know the cause of the missing cap?​


Answered by amanjaiswal76


FEMALE TO SHOW jab-guhn-yna

Answered by Anonymous

Initial Definition

Coefficient usually refers to "numerical coefficient", even though the term has a broader definition.

Numerical Coefficient

A numerical coefficient is a constant multiplier of the variables in a term.

In the term -5x2y, the numerical coefficient is -5.

In the expression ax2 + bx + c, the numerical coefficient of the x2 term is "a" and the numerical coefficient of the x term is "b". "c" is properly referred to as the constant term.

Coefficient (general)

A coefficient (in general) is any of the factors of a term relative to a given factor of the term.

In the term -5x2y, the coefficient of "y" is -5x2.

In the term -5x2y, the coefficient of "x2" is -5y.

In the term -5x2y, the coefficient of "x2y" is -5.

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