English, asked by Iris8508, 5 months ago

how did the children enjoy the sun and its warmth


Answered by yamini99999



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How do the children feel about the sun and weather in "All Summer in a Day?"

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PRICE7781 eNotes educator | CERTIFIED EDUCATOR

When the sun comes out on Venus every seven years, it is an event that everyone in the story looks forward to seeing. It constantly rains on Venus, and the citizens view the sun coming out as a major time to celebrate. The sun only shines every seven years for two hours, however. The school children are young enough in the story that they have never seen the sun. Only one child, Margot, was born on Earth and has experienced it.

The children are jealous of Margot’s experiences, and when they question her about the sun, they don’t believe her descriptions and lock her in a closet in the classroom. When the sun comes out, they see that Margot is telling the truth, but they forget they locked her in the closet. When they remember to let her out, it is too late. The sun has gone away, and Margot is devastated that she has to wait seven more years to enjoy the warmth of the sunshine.

Overall, the sun’s appearance is an event that children anxiously wait for because they have never seen or felt the sun in their short lives. You can imagine the excitement seeing the sun would cause since you only see it less than 15 times in your entire lifetime.

Answered by prabirsingh78


The children enjoy the sun and its warmth in the following ways:

1. They eat ice cream which is the most fav. thing of children.

2. They can play in the lawn freely.

3. Children can also enjoy by going to sea side.

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