Social Sciences, asked by sauravmlyadav, 6 months ago

how did the coming up of Bombay and Madras as presidency towns lead to the decline of Surat and masulipatam respectively.
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Answered by VERYHAPPY



how did the coming up of Bombay and Madras as presidency towns lead to the decline of Surat and masulipatam respectively.

answer :

during the late nineteenth century many important cities of India like machlipatnam,seringapatnam and surat were de-urbanised the reasons are:

1) the British developed many new trading centres like Calcutta Bombay madrass etc.the flow of trade moved to these new centres,as a result old can't survive , , due to de industrialization many artisans and articrafts were ruined completely.

Answered by akanksha1536


The decline of Surat. The following factors are responsible for the decline of Surat in the 17th century: Loss of markets and productivity because of the decline of the Mughal Empire. Control of the sea routes by the Portuguese.

Decline of Masulipatnam

It was felt that the new Company trade centres should combine political, administrative and commercial roles. Masulipatnam lost both its merchants and prosperity and declined in the course of the 18th century as the Company traders moved to Bombay, Calcutta and Madras.

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