how did the frog tell the nightingale to puff up her lungs
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frog lived in a bog which is an area that is very wet or muddy.he always crocked everytime thinking that his voice was very good and other animals enjoyed his voice always.but unfortuantely his voice was very much irritating for other creatures.they were getting very much angry because of the frogs immortal irritation till the next morning continuously in the sumac tree.many tries of consolidating thefrog and trying to say that his voice was not plesant ,the frog did not bother.although it got many complaints of disturbing,he only wanted to display his hearts content on night,a nightingale visited the we know that a nightingales voice is so good,no wonder it started singing soft and good melodies that pleased others.the whole bog was admiring her singing which was so plesant. when she stoppedsinging at the end of the song,everyone cheered for her and gave her credits for it.many asked for once more ofher the nightingale sang everytime without a pause to everyones happiness.the next day the nightingale was preparing to sing.she closed her eyes,fluffed a wing and cleared her throat.her music was interupted by a unplesant croak-the frog.they had a little conversation.the frog says,thatthe sumac tree was owned by him.he also says that he was very well known for his splendid little voice and everyone appreciated him for his singing.the ngihtingale was surprised and asked how was her voice.the frog like a real great man ,said that she lacked some techniques and some force was missing.the nightingale then accepted to be his devote and a good student for singing.after some days of very hard practice,the frog thought of a plan of collecting money from other animals to give a good concert with the nightingale.nowonder many animals flocked to hear her wonderful voice.the day of concert,the frog exitedly counted the heads andmoney for him to become rich.the day though it was a rainy ,he did not want a day to be missed for practice.eventhough the nightingale protested that she cannot sing in this weather,the frog persuades her to practice.together with him.the nightingale puts her scarf and sash and starts to sing.for six solid hours she practiced practiced.her voice became hoarse and started to tremble. the frog did not leave her at once too.he said her voice must be strong enough like his voice.he gave her the toughest practice of all and no wonder the oor birdgrew more sorrowful and pale day by day.on the concert day,she was on the stag very weak and trembling out of breath.the frog scolds her -"brainless bird -you're on the stage!!"to try singing on the stage,the poor bird tries to sing with tears hearing him in silence,opened up to sing.she burst a vein and died literally!the merciless frog says that the song must be of your own and not others and starts singing like the dead bird like aprofessional singer ,very mushconcerned about his voice.
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