how did the German scientists create a panic among the scientists in America? (truly beautiful mind)
In 1945, Operation Overcast (renamed Operation Paperclip for the paper clips attached to the dossiers of the most “troublesome cases”) began. More than 1,600 Germans were secretly recruited to develop armaments “at a feverish and paranoid pace that came to define the Cold War
Dr. T. Keith Glennan
The first administrator of NASA was Dr. T. Keith Glennan; during his term he brought together the disparate projects in space development research in the US
Manhattan Project?
Eight students, assistants, and colleagues of the Göttingen theoretical physicist Max Born left Europe after Hitler came to power and eventually found work on the Manhattan Project, thus helping the United States, Britain and Canada to develop the atomic bomb; they were Enrico Fermi, James Franck, Maria Goeppert-Mayer, ..