English, asked by bhavikaverma, 4 months ago

How did the ivan kill the dragon​


Answered by QTPIEE


Ivan pointed behind the dragon and asked him why he brought a whole army to help him fight. When the dragon turned his head to see what Ivan was pointing at, Ivan in a quick flash drew his sword and cut off the dragon's head and killed him.


Answered by Sravanthinalli


Ivan the Dragon Killer is, in fact, nothing of the sort. He is just a clever lad who decided to save the last old man in a village from death at the hands of the dragon. When the dragon crushed a stone into dust, Ivan squeezed a " e^ prime prime until water came out. He acted as if he would dig up a well, that uprooting only one tree was too small a task for him, and so forth. This is a rare story in which the Dragon does not die; instead he left and never came back. I suppose since the Dragon was scared to death the whole time that Ivan would kill him, he didn't make any designs to take Ivan's life himself.

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