how did the mother make the young seagull come out of his fear and teach him the art of flying
The young seagull was afraid of flying. even after several tries , he was unable to fly .Except him all his brothers and sisters were expert in flying high . he always relied on the food that his parents brought back from their flights . so to make him fly this screamed, scolded and threaten to let him alone and starve on the ledge unless he flew away. did not offer him food and let him look them while having their food. This makes the young seagull fly
The young seagull was afraid of flying because he thought that his wings won't support him and he would drown. When his family left him alone of the ledge, he felt alone and was very hungry. They tried hard to make him fly but they never showed the courage to try. His mother knowingly tore a piece of fish near him and flew across to him with it. She came close to him but did not go nearer. Already mad by hunger, he dived at the fish but fell into space. After sometime his wings spread outwards and he began to fly. His family landed on the sea ahead of him. They beckoned him so he landed on the sea and began to sink into water but when his belly touched the water, he floated without any fear and difficulty.