How did the need for storing food result in the development of Neolithic pottery?
By the term pottery we mean exclusively fired clay vases. Clay modelling (wet argillaceous soil) occupied man at least from the Upper Palaeolithic (large quantities of unfired clay at Theopetra Cave-Thessaly). His efforts over many years to retain the shape of the vessels he had been manufacturing from clay are linked to improved skills in pyrotechnology (firing at the correct temperature) and were finally gratified during the Neolithic Period, initially in the Near East (beginning of the 7th millenium BC) and subsequently in the Aegean area (end of the 7th millenium BC).
Food production grow due to farming. There was a need to store surplus food. At first, baskets were woven from wild grass. Later,these were plastered with wet clay to make them more useful. Since,the fore had been discovered, clay pots were baked,and used to store food