how did the people of India live a life under the colonial rule?
colonial India was the part of the Indian subcontinent that was under the jurisdiction of European colonial powers during the age of discovery European power was excited both by conquest and trade especially in spices the search for the wealth and prosperity of India lead to the colonization of the America by Christopher Columbus in 1492 only a few years later and near the end of the 15th century Portuguese sailor Vasco da Gama become the first European to re-establish direct trade links with India since Roman times by being the first to arrive by curcumnavigating Africa (c. 1497 - 1499 ) having arrived in kalikot which Biden was one of the major trading ports of the eastern wall he obtained permission to trade in a city from sammothiri raja ceylon dear expansion into India was held after dear defeated in the battle of kolachal by the kingdom of Travancore during the Travancore Dutch war
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