Sociology, asked by channelkalyan, 1 year ago

how did the Portuguese traveller Domingo paes describe the glory city of vijayanagara​


Answered by samiullahsidique339


Domingo Paes, Vijayanagara: "The best provided city of the world"

Introduction: After the conquest of Goa in 1510 and its rise as capital of the Portuguese Estado da India, several Portuguese travellers and traders visited Vijayanagara and wrote detailed reports about the glory of Bisnaga or Vijayanagara. Most valuable are those of Domingos Paes and Fernão Nuni, z written in c. 1520–22 and 1535–37 respectively. The report of Paes, who visited Vijayanagara during Krishnadeva's reign, is based primarily on careful observation, whereas Nuniz relied often also on hearsay and legends. Paes described in detail the so-called feudal nayankara system of Vijayanagara's military organisation and the annual royal Durga festival and he was fascinated by the greatness of Vijayanagara's fortified urban landscape, its markets, temples and the royal centre. Paes detailed description of the city of Vijayanagara (which is only partly guoted here) is of immense help for identifying and interpreting the still impressive ruins of Vijayanagara, which once was, according to Paes, as large as Rome and "the best provided city of the world." Vijayanagara was sacked by the united armies of the central Indian Sultanates in 1565.


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