Social Sciences, asked by Reitwiec11591, 2 months ago

How did the printing press change the course of information


Answered by devpurang22


Hasta 1453 los conocimientos se transmitían mediante manuscritos elaborados por monjes: con la invención de la imprenta el proceso de copiado se aceleró y en cuestión de unos pocos años los escritos abarcaron un público enorme gracias a la difusión de conocimientos y el abaratamiento de los costes de producción.


Answered by sarahssynergy

The Printing press has changed the course of information and its dissemination.


  • Before the invention of the printing press, the spread of information was very limited and controlled.
  • The information could only reach several people at a time at huge expenses. It would also take a large amount of time and effort to share even the smallest bits.
  • However, after the development of the printing press, the scenario changed and the spread of information became easier.
  • The same information could now be spread to a number of people at the same time without any delays or additional expenses.
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