History, asked by modi1494, 1 year ago

How did the saints of the medival period view the concept of attainment of salvation?


Answered by Aryan0123

Concept of Salvation (Moksha):

  1. According to Hinduism, Moksha could be attained in 3 ways - through Gnana (knowledge), Karma (Duty), Bhakti (Devotion).
  2. During the Medieval period, people emphasised more on Bhakti as the means to attain salvation.
  3. These people believed that all people are born equal and were against caste system and useless rituals.
  4. These people were called 'saints' as they spread the message about God and all God's children are equal irrespective of the caste they were born in. This was necessary to stop communal clashes and bring about peace and harmony in the society.
  5. Some Famous Medieval saints are: Ramanujacharya, Madhvacharya, Vallabhacharya, Ramananda, Sant Kabir, Mirabai, Tulasidas, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, etc...
  6. These saints designated their disciples as 'Avadhutas' meaning Persons who had liberated themselves from old practices.
  7. These saints used local language in their preaches, to spread the word of Lord, so that every common man could understand it.
  8. Their disciples were low-caste people like cobblers, weavers, barbers, peasants, etc...
  9. Ramanujacharya founded the concept of 'Vishita Advaita' which was a doctrine of complete self-surrender to God to enjoy his Love.
  10. These saints were against caste orthodoxy which would not admit 'shudras' to religious education, let alone religious equality an brotherhood.
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