English, asked by mamtaengineers11, 5 hours ago

how did the snow and frost affected


Answered by ariance76


In the boreal regions, where permafrost is discontinuous and thin, the general practice is either to thaw the permafrost or to insulate the permafrost to minimize the effects of frost damage. But in the arctic region, the best practice is to insulate the permafrost to avoid thawing. Thick beds of gravel are applied to serve as an insulator, and lighter-color pavement is used to decrease solar radiation absorption. For permanent structures and houses, gravel pads or insulated foundations are commonly used in soils containing only ice lenses. But in areas where the soils contain a high content of ice, piling is used for structures and houses. In some cases, the piling or the foundation is refrigerated to avoid heat conduction to the permafrost.

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