how did the spread of electricity help farmers in Palampur
Thespread of electricity in Palampur transformed the system ofirrigation in the village. Persian wheels gave way to electric-runtube wells, which reduced the dependence of the farmers uponrainfall, and enabled larger areas of land to be irrigated. Bymid-1970s, the entire cultivated area of 200 hectares was irrigated.This improvement in irrigation allowed farmers to grow threedifferent crops in a year, thereby ensuring that the cultivable landwas being used for producing the maximum possible output.
The spread of electricity has helped farmers in Palampur in following ways:
(i)Electric-run tubewells can Irrigate much larger areas of land.
(ii)Electricity has transformed the system of Irrigation.
(iii)Electricity has reduce the pollution because it is a cheap and pollution free source of Irrigation.