how did you help your friend if she did not satisfy with job
1. Check your circumstances, if they allow you, then quit and look for another job, else continue till such time that you get your dream job.
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Dacey Dinsmore
, Writer and Editor
Author has 59 answers and 91.2K answer views
Do your job as well as you can just four the sake of your integrity.
You can turn any activity into an art form by doing it well just for the sake of the excellence.

Career Counselor, Teacher, Mentor, Educationist, and Facilitator
Originally Answered: What should I do, when I'm not satisfied from job mently?
I decided to take the job not because I loved what I was going to be doing but because I needed to earn a salary It was very difficult to be happy during those period I was often bored with work and I always wished for weekends to come quickly so I could just stay home