how difficult for India to frame constitution for United india after independence
it was too difficult to frame of Constitution for united India after independence because as we all know that India is secular country .. ... That is why before the deriving of Constitution they distributed some parts of Constitution among the citizens.
India is a very big landmass so when framing constitution they have to think of the diversity also they wanted to uplift that classes which were suppressed thousands of years. Thus such a constitution is adopted which is combination of all the good qualities in various countries.
The framing the Indian Constitution was not an easy task for the members of the Constituent Assembly. Difficulties faced by them during the writing of the Constitution were
1. India, being a diverse country, was inhabited by the people belonging to different religions, caste, class and sect. Thus, they had to frame a Constitution which can satisfy the aspirations of each section of society. This was not an easy task.
2. The people of India had emerged as free citizens after independence. It was, thus, important for the framers to incorporate all the rights and duties of the citizens of the country in the Constitution.
3. India had become independent after experiencing million of deaths during the partition of the country. It was a traumatic experience for the people.
4. At the time of independence, many princely states existed in India. According to the instrument of accession, these states could either join India or Pakistan or remain independent. The merger of these princely states was a tough and a difficult task.
The country was, thus, going through a difficult phase after independence. At that time, the future of the country did not look as secure as it looks today. The framers of the Constitution had anxieties about present and they had to frame the Constitution which can keep the country united and strong in the coming years. They also had to ensure that the democratic spirit of the Constitution is maintained.