How do adults practice their power in a democracy?
The purpose of this article is to explore the role of adult education for criti- ... imaginers– each group is engaged in the exercise of their imagination and in ... ing who has access to power, how are decisions of importance made,
pls mark me as brainliest:)
Explanation:The purpose of this article is to explore the role of adult education for critical democracy, in order to address the social suffering (Bourdieu, 1999) that
we encounter in our work as critical adult community educators. We explore
this through dialogue, as a process of education and research. Dialogue is the
moment where humans meet to reflect on their reality as they make and remake
it (Shor, Freire, 1987: 13). The purpose of dialogue is to transform social relations, in the learning environment and in our community of practice, a key way
of creating new knowledge. Also, we contend that dialogue is a process of joint
autoethnographic research that examines experience, in order to understand
cultural practices, (Ellis, et al, 2011). Further, congruent with our pedagogies,
autoethnography treats research as a political, socially-just and socially-conscious act (Adams and Holman Jones, 2008). This article developed out of dialogue that we have had for years, but which we formalised only recently. We
consider dialogue as a pivot, based on Freire’s contention that education is a
conversation rather than a curriculum (1972). Further, our dialogue is underpinned by reflexivity, particularly using ourselves in research and practice
(Etherington, 2004).