Biology, asked by gurusamyguru, 1 year ago

how do autotrophs obtain food? explain the process with the help of balanced chemical equation


Answered by Anonymous
autotrophs obtain their food by a process called photosynthesis.
photosynthesis is a process in which the plants uses sunlight , water , carbon dioxide to make food.
6CO2 + 6H2O ----------> C6H12O6 + 6O2
photosynthesis occurs in chloroplast.
photosynthesis contains two steps:-
1) light reaction (takes place in thylakoid)
2) dark reaction (takes place in stroma)

- it takes in the presence of sunlight and also known as light dependent reaction.
- during light reaction chlorophyll (present in chloroplast) traps the sunlight in the form of photons.
-now the splitting of occurs in the presence of sunlight , this process is known as photolysis.
2H2O ------------> 4H+ ions + 4e- +2O- ions

- the the oxygen produced is realeased out and some amount is used for respiration.
- hydronium ions and 4 electrons are used in making a new type of energy called NADPH( nicotinamide adenine dineucleotide phosphate hydronium) .

- dark reaction takes place in the absence of sunlight and also known as light independent reaction.
- in this reaction the NADPH splits in NADP and H .
-This H combines with CO2 to form gulucose.

This is how a plant preapares its food.

hope it helps you......... :D

sapna69: awesome answer dear
Answered by bupathisan3
Autotrops are called  plants  they prepare their  own food with the help of sunlight ,water ,carbondioxide after the  light dependent reaction and dark reaction starch is formed .The starch is used as food  by plants                                                                                                                                                                   
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