Biology, asked by jolinezhay, 9 months ago

how do dandelion seed dispersed


Answered by mchuangyc


Many homeowners consider the dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) and its close relative, the red-seeded dandelion (Taraxacum erythrospermum), pesky lawn weeds that are difficult to eradicate. The yellow blossoms appear in spring and fall in lawns, fields and disturbed areas in US Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 3 through 10. These perennial plants spread readily and aggressively by means of air-borne seeds produced by the flowers after one day of blooming.

Dandelion Plant Description

The dandelion first emerges from the soil as two false leaves, or cotyledons that contain all the nutrients the plant needs to become established. The plant sends down a very long taproot that can measure up to 3 feet or more. Shortly after the cotyledons appear, new true leaves develop that start out as rounded and softly lobed. The first leaves are yellow-green and grow in a round rosette form, hugging the ground around a central base from which flower stems eventually develop.

As the leaves grow to a maximum length of about 20 inches, they become dentated, or jagged, and their color deepens. A hollow tubelike yellow-green stalk appears in the center of the rosette and produces a tightly closed bud that opens into a round bright yellow compound flower composed of as many as 200 individual florets.

Dandelion Stages During Flowering

Dandelion flowers open primarily during daylight hours, and their multiple florets enclose the male and female reproductive parts. Once pollination by bees or other insects has taken place, each fertilized floret produces a seed called an achene. Each seed pushes up through the floret and develops a feathery filament called a pappus.

When viewed collectively on the dandelion's seed head, the filaments look like a white puff ball. At this point, the slightest breeze dislodges the seeds, also called parachutes, often dispersing them to great distances away from the original plant. If the seeds land in a spot that meets all its growing needs, it will develop into a new dandelion plant.

More Seed Dispersal Methods

Dandelion seeds illustrate perfectly the role the wind plays in distributing certain types of seeds across the landscape. That's not the end of the story, however, for dandelion seeds can be dispersed in other ways, including birds or other creatures dropping them along the way in their travels, or rainwater moving them from one place to another. A child may pluck the fluffy seed head and blow on the "dandelion wish flower" in the belief it will make their wishes come true. In this way, dandelions, and other plants that produce wind-borne seeds, are able to ensure the survival of their species.

Other Survival Tactics

In addition to dispersing their tufted seeds, dandelions are capable of reproducing by root regeneration. A close inspection of a dandelion taproot reveals tiny bumps, or potential buds, that develop along its length and that are often visible at the crown, or the base of the plant, just above the soil. This is the reason why existing plants are so difficult to destroy, as even the smallest piece of root left in the soil can produce a new plant.

Dandelions are, however, weak in the plant competition department. They don't do as well in flowerbeds and vegetable gardens where they have to compete for sunlight, moisture and nutrients.


Answered by Klin40


by water or wind


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