Math, asked by jennaleighdavey, 9 hours ago

How do i find values for k and p



Answered by jm180792


Step-by-step explanation:

divisible by 7 when De N.

Prove that 2% I is

In the adjacent figuure "0" is the centre of the circle.

Find the value of "a" and "t

angles of a polygon is three timnes the sum of its exterior

The sum of the int


Find the number of sides of that polygon.

The capacity of big stadium to organize yoga classes is 391876. The number of

persons in each row is equal to number of rows. Find the number of persons ir


each row.

ea of the adjacent figure.

Find the


14. Find the height of an equilat steral triangle whose side is "K cms

15. Mohan walked 20m to east. He turned to his left and walked 30m. Again he

he from

20m. How far and in which

turned to his left and

his starting point.

Pointing to a boy, Na

How is the boy related to Namratha.

Iliness" is related to "Cure". In the same way which is "Grief related to?

In the group "Goat - Cat - Fox - Horse - Dog" four of them are alike in

way. Find the odd one out and find the relation of four a


father's only child?

atha says, "He is the son of my gran




mals. Which are

19. What comes in the place of question more. N 5 V; K

20. In a shop there were 4 dolls of different heights M,N,O and P. "P is neither as

E 14 P: B 19 N

tall as "M" nor as short as "Oo". "N" is shorter than "p but taller than "O", If

Ravi wants to purchase the talles do tall. Which one should he purchase.

TIONS (21-25) Five venn diag ams are given below A, B, C, D and E. Find the

diagram hat gives the correct relation to the given questions.



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