How do ideas ideals and values play important role in politics?
(i) Gandhiji believed that politics must be guided by ethics drawn from all religions.
(ii) Ideas, ideals and values drawn from different religions can and perhaps should play a role in politics.
(iii) People should be able to express in politics, their needs, interests and demands as a member of a religious community.
(iv) Those who hold political power should sometimes be able to regulate the practice of religion so as to prevent discrimination and oppression.
(v) These political acts are not wrong as long as they treat every religion equal.
Religion and politics are the two opposite banks of a river. Religion means values, ethics and culture while politics means power, rights, etc. As in India there are people of different religions, so the politicians take advantage of this and appeal to the public for vote on basis of caste. They emphasise, they belong to same caste and will do all work in favor of their religion and betterment of their culture.
Politicians in order to win the confidence of the public, take the support of their religion, they build temples, give donations to various social organizations on the name of caste and religion, give religion influential speeches, etc.
(i) Ideas, Ideals and Values drawn from various religions what Gandhiji said, can play a pivotal role in politics.
(ii) As the members of religious community, people can express their ideas, needs, beliefs and demands in politics.
(iii) In politics also, those who hold political power can regulate the religious practice in order to prevent discrimination and oppression.
(iv) Thus, it is well said by Gandhiji that politics should be guided by the values drawn from religion.