How do iPads save energy?
1. Walk-through. A Check-up professional will perform a one-hour walk-through of your home to show you how you can reduce the amount of energy you use and save money. Your Check-up professional will assess the condition of the following items:
Insulation levels
Air leakage
Heating & cooling systems
Windows & doors
Lighting & appliances
Water heating equipment
2. Discussion of findings. After the Check-up, you will receive a report summarizing important findings, recommended improvements and opportunities to reduce your energy use and costs while improving the comfort of your home.
3. Installation of energy-saving measures. With your permission, the Check-up professional will provide and install the following energy-saving measures in your home at no additional cost:
LED light bulbs
Faucet aerators
Efficient-flow fixed or handheld showerheads
Water heater pipe insulation (installed on hot and cold pipes for six feet from water heater)
Smart Strips
ShowerStart™ shower head adapter
Turn Off 4G.
Turn Off Bluetooth.
Disable AirDrop.
Disable Background App Refresh.
Disable Handoff.
Don't Automatically Update Apps.
Turn Off Data Push.
Hope this helps u❗️❗️❗️